Radical book fair and campaign stalls at 6 Billion Ways

6 Billion Ways organisers Friends of the Earth, Jubilee Debt Campaign, People & Planet, Red Pepper, War on Want and the World Development Movement will all be running stalls on the Mezzanine at Rich Mix.

They will be joined by:

Campaign Against Arms Trade works to end international arms trading and promote peace, justice and democratic values, using non violent campaigns and action.

Camp for Climate Action is a grassroots direct action movement for climate justice.

Compass is a centre-left pressure group with over 40,000 members and supporters. They work towards a ‘good society’ which is radically more democratic, equal and sustainable.

Corporate Watch is a workers’ co-operative conducting corporate-critical research for action. They produce regular news updates on their website, newsletters and in-depth reports.

Local anti-cuts campaigns from east and north London are running a stall to help you get involved in defending public services.

New Internationalist is a not-for-profit media co-operative that exists to report on issues of global justice; to debate and campaign for the radical changes necessary to meet the basic needs of all.

Pambazuka News disseminates analysis and debate on the struggle for freedom and justice through the voices of the peoples of Africa and the global south.

Platform campaigns on issues of social and ecological justice, combining the power of art with the tangible goals of campaigning. The current focus is on climate justice and moving society away from fossil fuels.

Pluto Press is one of the world’s leading radical publishers, specialising in critical perspectives on politics and social sciences. Authors include Noam Chomsky and Vandana Shiva.

Rising Tide UK is a network of groups and individuals dedicated to taking local action and building a movement against climate change.

Unison is Britain’s biggest public sector trade union, with more than 1.3 million members in the NHS, local government and other public services.

Verso is the largest independent radical publisher in the English-speaking world. Founded in 1970, it has published many of the major figures on the left, including Tariq Ali, Eric Hobsbawm and John Pilger.

Zaytoun is a UK co-operative which imports artisan Palestinian produce, including olive oil, to help ensure a decent livelihood for Palestinian farmers.

Zed Books are a radical, independent, progressive publisher of critical social science titles, focusing on contemporary international issues with an emphasis on the global south.

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